Week 9

Christian Abrams
4 min readOct 22, 2020


Meeting Malliron was honestly an honor because I was inspired by her podcast. She is a modern day leader for women and with her baddie podcast has inspired many. Honestly I had been on the ropes about making a podcast to just talk about current events with my small platform I have but honestly hearing someone's personal success story inspired me. I started drafting some ideas for a name and talked to my friends about joining in.


A person I believe is a friend to humanity is Barack Obama. When he was the President of the United States while his presidency is critiqued I believe he did a great job of keeping the peace and feeling like a true leader of the free world. Even after his term I feel he always checks in on America and makes sure to keep his presence known with the American people. I remember when my graduation was scheduled Former-President Barack Obama and Former-First Lady Michelle Obama hosted a virtual graduation. To some people it would have seemed like the smallest thing but to me that was huge to me because I will never get to experience those things. He made me feel as if he cared and this is just one example of the things he does to better humanity. I feel as if his behavior is very noble and caring which makes him the perfect friend to humanity because people need someone who they know will care for them. To me he feels very happy with what he has done for America and what he continues to do even now. I believe the hardships he had to face were being a person of color in power. That comes with unimaginable stress and having to work twice as hard to prove yourself to others. I believe what influences him may be his moral compass and his previous position as president. Especially African Americans I feel that we label him as a symbol of better times especially after the current presidency’s fault. I do however also believe sometimes it is a natural impulse because most presidents after their terms just go underground. With president Barack Obama he has been very active in the community and in the current events.


Ida B wells defines the 3 prerequisites of true leadership as Courage of Conviction, perseverance/patience, and self control. I agree with her that before you are allowed to be considered a leader you should have all of these qualities. She says if you do have all of these qualities then you truly love humanity. I agree with this statement as well. I compare this to my family and how I love them. I want the best for them and care for them deeply. So if I can compare the love someone would have to have for humanity to the one I have for my family it would mean a leader would do anything if they had a love for humanity. She also discussed that to be a leader it calls for sacrifice sometimes maybe even the greatest sacrifice, your life. She does say to be a leader does always call for some sacrifice and I agree with that. Every person in a leader position is ready to give up something someone I would like to reference is Black Panther in the self titled 2018 hit, Black Panther. T’Challa was ready to put his life down for his country and his people because he knew that being king called for that sometimes. As the late Stan Lee would say “With Great Power, Comes Great Responsibility”.


How can you recognize if someone has love for humanity?

I believe if someone has a love for humanity you wouldn’t see it in their words or how they looked at the world. You would see it by how they act and treat others. Someone who has a love for humanity will always put others before themselves because that is one of the sacrifices they had to make to become a leader.

(Side note): Personally I am not sure how I feel about someone putting others above themselves in all instances simply because there are instances where I feel someone must be selfish. As I listened throughout class this bugged me because I felt as despite my feelings could I really put a complete stranger over myself or someone I care about deeply? Just some thoughts I was thinking about.

What percentage of the world’s population do you believe has a strong and frequent love of humanity?

I believe less than 10% of people have a genuine love for humanity. If you had asked me the same question about a year ago I think the number would have been higher but with the growing tensions all across the world over race and brutality I simply can not have a higher number confidently. I sometimes feel that the world is selfish in itself. In Psych it is believed that humans are innately selfish and that we come into this world only caring about ourselves.

Is love of humanity a choice? How do you know?

Yes I believe it is a choice, because it is based on the way you grew up and they way you view the world. At the end of the day I do not believe it should be a choice. We are all human and we alone can control the future of humanity. I know that it is a choice because there are individuals who make decisions and actions that are inherently selfish and greedy without any regard for the wellbeing of others. We are not born with hate in heart but hate will always be around as long as people currently raise people with hate.

What is more important for leadership than love for humanity?

I believe self love is occasionally more important than having love for humanity. Sometimes you have to be selfish but I agree it is also something you have to give up is your own self care, sometimes, to be a successful leader.


